The most impressive dangling plants

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The most impressive dangling plants

If you’re looking for an impressive hanging plant, you’ve come to the right place! Our subjective ranking of the most beautiful hanging plants will be a great support in your search for the best specimen.

Where to place a hanging plant?

Hanging plants are extremely charming. They can beautifully decorate macramé flowerbeds or shelves hung on the wall. They are also a good option for decorating a tall cabinet – a dangling flower set on top of the cabinet, which flows spectacularly over it, can be a beautiful decoration of the room. So, as you can see, in order to expose dangling plants in your apartment, you do not need much at all. All you need is a piece of free space in the corner of the room to locate a hanging flowerbed there.

Impressive hanging plants – ranking

In garden stores and even in home improvement stores, you will find many different species of hanging plants. Especially for you we have prepared a ranking of the most impressive hanging plants. See which flowers made it to our list!

Monstera monkey mask

Most people who grow monstera monkey mask provide the plant with a support. However, it is worth knowing that if you forgo sticking a ladder or coconut stakes into the pot, you will get a beautiful hanging plant. Monstera monkey mask grows very quickly, so when buying it is worth choosing a small specimen. This will allow us to run the plant according to our liking. 

Where to set the monkey mask? It grows best in partial shade. Remember that we water monstera only when the top layer of soil is dry. Monkey mask just like any monstera likes regular sprinkling.

Epipremnum goldenis

This is another fast-growing hanging plant. It has recently become increasingly popular among potted plant lovers. The green heart-shaped leaves turn cream or white. If the plant stands in a sunny place, a lot of bright, irregular and very showy discolorations appear on the leaves. Epipremnum golden, like monkey mask monstera, can be kept as a climbing or hanging plant. In both versions it is extremely charming and showy.

Epipremnum golden likes semi-shaded or bright positions. It definitely does not tolerate too wet a substrate, so it is advisable to water it only after the soil has already dried out completely after the previous watering.

Senecio rowleyanus, or sagging old man

The dangling old man, also known as a string of pearls, is a small but very impressive plant. If you give it the right position and proper care, it will repay you with beautiful shoots with round and small bead-like leaves. The shoots of sencio rowleyanus can reach a length of up to about 90 cm. 

Sencio rowleyanus is a slightly more demanding plant than epipremnum and monstera. It is worth knowing that the old man likes to stand in a bright place. It is also worth taking care of its regular watering.

Aeschynanthus radicans

The plant, which owes its common name of lipstick, to its long, narrow flowers resembling just this cosmetic. This plant is a beautiful decoration of the apartment not only because of its unusual flowers. Its leaves are also very interesting due to their slightly elongated shape and intense color. Aeschynanthus radicans grows best on a bright site in a constantly moist substrate.

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