The most beautiful flowering plants for your garden

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The most beautiful flowering plants for your garden

Spring is the time when gardens start to bloom wonderfully. To make the space around your home greener, check out the flowering plants that will look perfect.

Some of these are very easy to care for and will continue to bloom until fall.

David’s Budleja

Also called a butterfly bush, this plant is easy to plant and care for. It can be found in various shades of color as it comes in as many as 100 species and can reach the size of a small tree. In Poland there can be two species of this extremely beautiful plant. It grows naturally in China where it can reach a height of even 3 to 4 meters. Its flowers are very showy and resemble the common lilac. They bloom in large numbers on a single plant, making it a very striking garden decoration.

What is important, David’s Budleys bloom from July till the end of October – young shrubs bloom a little later and older ones keep beautiful flowers much longer. David’s Budleja is not resistant to low temperatures, so it should be covered during winter. It does well in the city. Many garden owners choose it as an ornamental shrub because of its beautiful blossoms.

Budleja can be planted already in spring and the best for this purpose are one-year or two-year shrubs. Older shrubs should not be transplanted, because the root system can be damaged. If you want a newly bought buddleja to take up well, you should definitely choose one in containers. This way you know that the shrub will have roots all over. It is a good idea to mulch the soil around the plant, because it will be able to absorb moisture much better. You can use pine bark or de-acidified peat, among other things, for mulching.

David’s Budleja doesn’t like drought so it’s worth remembering to water it. Thanks to this the shrub will keep lush flowers. Trim it only in April or at the end of March, when you are sure that no frosts will come. The butterfly bush should be pruned at half its height.

Large-flowered Clematis

Clematis is a climbing plant, which comes in many interesting varieties. It looks great on pergolas and has many flowers. The color of the blooms depends on the variety – you can find red, yellow, blue or purple. They are small and even sprinkle the plant along the length of the stems, making it a great choice for the garden.

Clematis need an alkaline soil that is rich in lime. Dig a fairly deep hole at the planting site and place gravel or coarse sand in the bottom to prevent the roots from becoming waterlogged. It is good to fill the hole with soil mixed with manure. In this way, the plant will have the right conditions for growth and flowering.

Remember that clematis is a climbing species, so you should set up special supports for climbing plants. As the plants grow, they cling to the support with petioles. A trellis made of thin stakes or wire is a good type of support for clematis.

Clematis needs water to bloom beautifully. In addition, it likes shady positions. During droughts, they can be watered a little more often and sprinkled with water.


They are beautiful and very long blooming shrubs. The most common varieties bloom in white, orange, yellow, red or salmon . The multitude of varieties makes that every gardener will choose his favorite color of flowers. They need acidic soil or peat for proper growth. They also need to be watered quite often, so a good idea to retain moisture is to bed them with pine bark

Azaleas don’t like frost, so protect your shrubs with bundles of hay or special plastic sheeting for the winter. They don’t bloom on a big height, so they don’t need regular pruning. They look beautiful in spring, when they bloom. The biggest bloom is in May and June, but the flowers can be seen until autumn. Azaleas are “cousins” of the more demanding rhododendrons, which tolerate cold less well.

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