Room the kids together or separately?

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Room the kids together or separately?

For many families, where we sleep is largely determined by available rooms and financial resources. But where circumstances and space permit, the question of whether siblings should live together or separately is a popular topic of discussion among parents. Every situation is different and there is no one right answer. Consider your kids’ ages and temperaments when making your decision.

Life Lessons

Sharing a bedroom teaches many valuable skills, such as cooperation, communication and caring. When children live together, they can discuss how to decorate the room and what to hang on the walls. If one child is a pedant and the other a clutterer, there’s a good chance sparks will fly. Talk to your kids about the situation and work out a solution together. One child can let go a little while the other learns to organize their belongings. Children then learn tolerance and the art of compromise.

A sense of closeness

Nowadays, children are often in a hurry to get from school to after-school activities. Later, they do their homework, eat dinner and go to bed. They may know their peers better than their siblings. Sharing a room naturally promotes bonding. Children get to know each other better. They understand each other’s moods and preferences. They have more time to talk about various topics. Additionally, toddlers don’t like to sleep alone. By sharing a room, they feel safer.


As children approach their teenage years, they often long for privacy. Siblings who used to enjoy sharing a room now start to complain about it. Give them separate bedrooms if possible. However, encourage them to continue building a close relationship

Younger children may do better with less privacy, but they need their own space. Give each toddler a bookcase, box or organizer for personal items. Teach your kids to respect each other’s privacy. Whether they share a room or not, they should treat others’ belongings with respect and care.

Individual needs

Some children enjoy sharing a room, while others hate it. These preferences depend on many factors, such as age, gender, and personality. Kids of different ages may have trouble sharing space because of differences in schedules, activities and personalities. For example, a toddler who needs 12 hours of sleep a night will not get along with a teenager who goes to bed before midnight

The problem is compounded when an older child wants to invite his other half or friends over. That’s when the younger sibling starts to bother him. Sharing a bedroom can be a valuable experience, but if you have a spare room, let your kids decide if they want to continue sharing a room.

Personal style

Offer your children to design their own bedroom. This will encourage them to express their own style and temperament. You will give them a sense of control over their space. They will become more creative and confident. Expressing your style can include choosing your own furniture, wall color or home decor. If your children live together, let them design their own corner.

Time to learn

If your kids are school age, finding a quiet place to do homework can be a challenge in a shared room. You need to make sure your free time doesn’t interfere with studying. Otherwise, you run the risk that your kids will start arguing about it sooner or later.

Different interests

If you have three or more children, consider their interests and habits when determining the room configuration. One of your kids may need their own space if they have different hobbies than their siblings. If two crazy kids love sports and the third is quiet and interested in art, let them live in their own room, regardless of birth order.

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