In recent months, we have seen the importance of frequent hand washing and surface disinfection. Harmful microorganisms reside not only in public places, but also in the bedroom, bathroom or kitchen. See where germs are in the home, and how to fight them.
Harmful bacteria and viruses in the home are most often brought by us, i.e. householders from outside. They settle on shopping or clothes. Many of them settle in the kitchen, including staphylococcus aureus or E. Coli. Bacteria can also enter your home from raw meat and unwashed vegetables and fruits.
List of items that bacteria and viruses settle on in the home:
The most dangerous places are those that are warm and moist. This environment is conducive to the development of harmful microorganisms.
It is also worth paying attention to surfaces such as:
Washing sponges should be changed often and cutting boards should be thoroughly cleaned. It is also important to keep the toilet and door handles clean. Regular cleaning and disinfection is sufficient. It is worth starting with washing hands immediately after coming home, as well as making sure that children do not put their hands in their mouths for no reason. You need to learn the habit of frequent hand washing and regular cleaning of surfaces. For this it is good to use disinfectants on the kitchen counter and areas exposed to harmful microorganisms. Disinfection is necessary after cooking and food preparation, including contact with raw meat. Wash fruits and vegetables before eating them.
Remember to choose approved products that are safe to use.